Stand For The Constitution

Mesa County, Colorado

Empowering Faithful Citizens


Empowering believers for impactful change.


Building strong communities through shared values.


Constant support for your religious and political activism.

We are dedicated to upholding the values of faith, freedom, and our Republic. Our mission is to empower individuals to engage in the political process and advocate for religious freedom.

Through education, advocacy, and community engagement, we strive to create a society where every voice is heard and where faith and freedom flourish hand in hand.

Joining this group has empowered me to make a meaningful impact in the political sphere.

This organization has provided me with the tools and support to effectively advocate for my beliefs and values.

Being part of this group has given me a sense of purpose and the opportunity to create positive change in politics.

Our platform offers the tools and resources for you to actively engage in political and religious spheres, making a meaningful impact. Join us in advocating for your beliefs and values, and be part of a community dedicated to effecting positive change.